Plus One Global Consulting Limited 正式加入香港航運物流協會 (HKSTLA)

Post : 2021-02-01

本公司很榮幸正式加入香港航運物流協會 (HKSTA)。香港航運物流協會是成立於1994年的非牟利機構,為航運物流界不同持分者,包括企業家﹑主管﹑學術﹑專業人員﹑工程師﹑研究員等提供一個共同的平台,以及了解市場發展和趨勢的渠道。作為協會的成員之一,本公司有信心透過參與業界相關的培訓,提高自身在運營及業務方面的專業知識,並跟上市場的最新動態消息,務求為顧客提供最優質的專業服務。我們深信從業者間的網絡是推動行業發展的關鍵,我們期望透過與其他成員交流意見及心得,共同提升航運物流業的服務水平和安全標準。

We are delighted to announce that Plus One Global Consulting Limited has become a member of Hong Kong Sea Transport and Logistics Association (HKSTLA), which is a non-profit organization established in 1994, providing a platform for individuals from Business Owner, Management, Academic, Professional, Engineers and Researcher to interact with each other and to understand the development trend of the market. As a member of the HKSTLA, the operational and professional knowledge of our company will further be improved via the training provided by the association, and we can also catch up with the updated news of the market. These allow us to provide quality services to our customers. We believe that the internet between different stakeholders is what promote the development of the industry, and we are hoping that we could increase the service quality and the safety standard of the industry by interacting with other members of the association.

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