Plus One Global Consulting Limited 榮獲 SDG企業大獎證書

Post : 2021-08-07

本公司很榮幸獲頒「SDG企業大獎 2021」,被評定為符合可持續發展之企業。《可持續發展目標》(SDG) 於2015年由聯合國所有會員國一致通過,作為2030年可持續發展議程的組成部分。該議程為世界各國在15年內實現17項目標方向。「SDG企業大獎」- 該社區項目是維多利亞青年商會 (JCI Victoria) 的旗艦項目之一。 目的是通過在工商界共同關心社區,從而促進聯合國可持續發展目標。 鼓勵每個企業攜手共創令所有人更好,共創可持續的未來。

JCI RISE 的三個⽀柱相關:
1. 投資時間和資源來維持和重建地⽅經濟
2. 通過有效的領導和溝通使員⼯參與並賦權
3. 確認,理解和創建針對 COVID-19 對全球⼈口的心理健康影響的解決方案。
4. 和其他可持續發展⽬標


We are delighted to announce that Plus One has received SDG Enterprise Awards Certificate and has been rated as a Sustainable Development Company. In 2015, all members of the United Nations agreed “UN General Assembly Resolution 70/1”, together achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before 2030. These 17 Goals and the corresponding 169 indicators are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. SDG Enterprise Awards is one of the core projects of JCI Victoria which aims to promote the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to encourage companies to join hands together in order to create a better and sustainable future.

Three pillars of JCI RISE:
1. Sustaining and rebuilding economies by supporting small, local businesses
2. Motivating the workforce through youth entrepreneurship
3. Preserving mental health and well-being

Plus One promises to keep working for the sustainable development of the community and to shape a better community together with other companies.

Plus One SDGs Policy

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