Plus One Global Consulting Limited 全力支持環保觸覺無冷氣夜2021

Post : 2021-09-17

Plus One Global Consulting Limited 決定參與環保觸覺無冷氣夜2021。

「無冷氣夜」是由環保觸覺主辦、始於2010年的年度全港節能活動。旨在透過鼓勵市民關掉一晚冷氣,喚醒市民的環保意識,反思日常生活用電模式,明白節約能源的重要,從而身體力行減少溫室氣體排放,一起對抗全球暖化。全球氣温逐年上升,我們使用冷氣的情況亦日漸頻密。香港於2019年共使用448億度電,當中冷氣使用佔總用電量約30%(即134億度電),相等於釋放出744萬公噸的二氧化碳 。二氧化碳會造成温室效應,加劇全球暖化,換言之,若我們在氣温稍高時,就習慣依賴開冷氣降溫,只會一直令天氣愈來愈熱,形成惡性循環。因此少用冷氣,才是真正有效降温的方法。


Plus One Global Consulting Limited will be participating in “No Air Con Night”.

“No Air Con Night” is a territory-wide energy saving campaign started in 2010 to promote the wise use of air conditioning. Green Sense aims to bring out the importance in reducing greenhouse gases and saving energy through this event. By turning off the air conditioning for one night, we hope the citizens to rethink how their habits rapidly affect our natural environment, and take action to slow down global warming. The use of air conditioning becomes more frequent while the global temperature is rising year by year. In 2019, Hong Kong consumed 4.48 billion kWh of electricity, of which air conditioning made up around 30% (1.34 billion kWh of electricity) of the total, which equates to releasing  7.44 million tonnes of carbon emission to the planet. Carbon dioxide can cause greenhouse effect and aggravate global warming. In other words, if we rely on turning on air con to cool us down, the weather will be hotter and hotter, which is trapped in a vicious circle. So, the better way to cool down is turning off the air con.

In order to contribute to environmental protection and slow down global warming, Plus One decide to be participating in “No Air Con Night”. We promise to turn off the air con when the outdoor temperature is lower than 27°C.

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