Plus One Global Consulting Limited 全力支持ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動
Post : 2022-03-18
Plus One Global Consulting Limited 全力支持ECH2O -「商約」惜水運動。推動環保一直是我們的企業目標之一,現時非住宅用水佔全港總用水量約45%,為了身體力行提升非住宅用戶的用水效益,我們承諾採取約章的一系列惜水措施:
Plus One Global Consulting Limited signed the ECH2O Charter. Promoting environmental protection is one of our quality objectives. Non-domestic water use accounts for approximately 45% of the total water consumption in Hong Kong. In order to enhance water efficiency in the non-domestic sector, we promise to commit to the following statements to save water:
- 支持「商約」惜水運動珍惜用水
- 委派員工擔任「商約」惜水經理管理用水量
- 促進珍惜用水的實踐和行為改變
- 參與用水效益基準
- 訂立減少用水的目標
- 推廣和採用高用水效益的器具
Plus One Global Consulting Limited signed the ECH2O Charter. Promoting environmental protection is one of our quality objectives. Non-domestic water use accounts for approximately 45% of the total water consumption in Hong Kong. In order to enhance water efficiency in the non-domestic sector, we promise to commit to the following statements to save water:
- Support the ECH2O - Enterprises Cherish Water
- Campaign to cherish water
- Appoint staff as ECH2O Manager to manage water consumption
- Promote practices and behavioural changes for water cherishing
- Participate in Water Efficiency Benchmarking
- Set water saving targets
- Promote and adopt efficient water-consuming devices