E-Commerce Hidden DG Risks Preventation Workshop
E-Commerce Hidde DG Risks Prevention Workshop
Instructor: Mr. Maric Cheng

Full payment shall be settled within 3 working days after online registration via WeChat Pay/ Alipay/ Cheque or cash.
Please refer to the following procedures if the payment is made by cash or cheque 若使用現金或支票付款,請使用以下方式:

Please send a crossed cheque payable to "Plus One Global Consulting Limited" or "韋意環球顧問有限公司" to Unit 2606, 26/F, Prosperity Place, No. 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong. Please write your company name (for non-company members, please write down your name), contact number, invoice number and course code on the back of your cheque.
支票抬頭請寫「Plus One Global Consulting Limited」或「韋意環球顧問有限公司」。請於劃線支票背面寫上公司姓名(個人客戶請寫上姓名)﹑聯絡電話﹑發票號碼及報讀課程編號,並郵寄支票至觀塘成業街6號泓富廣場26樓2606室。

Transfer the payment to DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited A/C#016-478-000614469 and email the bank-in-slip for evidence.
將付款轉入星展銀行(香港)有限公司 A/C#016-478-000614469,並電郵轉發入數單據。

HKID/Passport number provided as part of an application for registration/admission for identification. Personal data provided will be used solely for the purpose of registration/verification and it will be handled by Plus One Global Consulting Limited.
課程規則條款和條件 course rules and terms and conditions |
Course Fee
HKD 450.0/seat
2nd Registration at one time :
HKD 450.0 for 2nd
For more than two registration at one time:
HKD 450.0 for each
additional seat
Plus One Annual Service Clients
HKD 450.0/seat
2nd Registration at one time :
HKD 450.0 for 2nd
For more than two registration at one time:
HKD 450.0 for each
additional seat