HKCAD Approved: Dangerous Goods Awareness (DGA) Course for personnel of freight forwarders:

  • responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo (Role b) &
  • responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse and loading and unloading unit load devices (Role d)
objective.png (48 KB)Training Objectives:

By the end of the course, trainees will be able to: 

  • Correctly understand the definition of dangerous goods, the scope and applicability for air transport in Hong Kong
  • Correctly identify the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
  • Ability to demonstrate basic understanding on dangerous goods Classification, the application of Labels, Marks, Packaging, and Documentation
  • Demonstrate understanding to general limitations (including forbidden DG, potentially undeclared DG, and provisions concerning passengers and crew)
  • Correctly identify appropriate emergency response in case of dangerous goods accident/incident
  • Correctly check documentation for indications of undeclared dangerous goods
  • Correctly identify indications of undeclared dangerous goods from shipment package
  • Correctly determine stowage requirements
  • Correctly determine segregation, separation, aircraft/compartment limitations
  • Correctly check packages for indications of undeclared dangerous goods
  • Understand the requirement to check for damage and/or leakage
  • Correctly apply stowage requirements (e.g. segregation, separation, orientation)
  • Correctly apply ULD tags when applicable
  • Understand the differences between dangerous goods accidents / incidents / occurrences
  • Understand the correct emergency responses in case of dangerous goods accidents / incidents
  • Apply the correct reporting procedures when dangerous goods accidents / incidents occur and when undeclared/ misdeclared dangerous goods are discovered
group.png (34 KB)List of Competency elements that trainees will obtain upon completion of the training:

  1. General awareness and safety training (including emergency response procedures)
  2. Process/ accept cargo other than Dangerous Goods
  3. Plan loading
  4. Prepare load for aircraft
  5. Collect safety data

group.png (34 KB)Target Group:

Personnel of freight forwarders:

* responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo (Role b) &
* responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse and loading and unloading unit load devices (Role d)
2025 DGA poster.png (997 KB)

duration.png (26 KB)Duration deliverymode.png (28 KB)Delivery Mode language.png (36 KB)Language of Instruction
4 hours 15 mins Physical classroom Instructor led Cantonese

activity.png (62 KB)Classroom activities:
lecture final.png (54 KB)                        discussion.png (68 KB)                         case study.png (82 KB)                           gp activities 3.png (103 KB)                            exercises 2.png (93 KB)

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Plus One CBTA DGA Training Course Outline.pdf

Dangerous Goods Awareness (DGA) Training

HKCAD Approved: Dangerous Goods Awareness Training for personnel of freight forwarders responsible for processing or accepting goods presented as general cargo (Role b) & responsible for handling cargo in a warehouse and loading and unloading unit load d

29 December 2021

Instructor: Mr. Maric Cheng

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