Plus One Global Consulting Limited 正式加入香港物流商會 (CHKLI)
Post : 2021-03-18
商會旨在促進香港、中國內地和國際物流業的合作和交流,以香港為橋樑,為外資進入內地市場創造條件,為內地同行在香港和國際拓展業務提供支援,共創商機。 商會會員分公司及個人會員兩種,包括中港兩地的企業或個人單位。
- 致力於為香港及中國內地物流企業服務,促進兩地物流業合作和交流;以及加強與國際物流業緊密聯系,拓展商務網絡,創造商機。
- 積極參與政府和公共事務,爭取更佳的物流營商環境,維持地區經濟繁榮穩定。
- 關注物流發展趨勢,協助企業提升物流管理能力和服務水平,增強企業競爭力。
- 重視發展物流專業和培養優質物流人力資源,確保物流業持續進步。
The Chamber of Hong Kong Logistics industry Ltd. (CHKLI) was set up in 2005. CHKLI is an independent organization to continuously work on promoting the economic and business development of HK Logistics Industry. The Chamber is one of the most impact organization in HK and members are appointed in the advisory committee of the HK Logistics Development Council and HK Trade Development Council.
Mission of CHKLI:
- Facilitate HK, mainland China and international logistics industry to co-operate together and exchange industry knowledge through HK platform. And provide platform for HK & overseas logistics investors enters into China market and develop business opportunities in logistics industry. There are 2 types of members in CHKLI. CHKLI welcomes logistics related business enterprises and individuals to apply membership from HK and mainland China.
- Actively participating in Government policy consultation and industry activities. Focus on enriching business environment and keeping up the regional business prosperity.
- Continuously concern on the Logistics and Market Development Trends. To support members to increase their competitiveness by assisting them to uplift their management level and capabilities.
- Facilitate HK, mainland China and international logistics enterprises to co-operate together and exchange industry knowledge through HK platform. CHKLI also provides platform for HK & overseas logistics investors enters into China market and develop business opportunities.