Plus One Global Consulting Limited 正式加入香港物流協會(HKLA)
Post : 2021-03-18
香港物流協會(HKLA)是香港首個本地專業物流協會,願景是成為可持續物流行業和供應鏈專業增值的創造者。 HKLA由一群具有專業和高等教育背景的志願者於1996年成立,是一個非牟利專業組織(NGO),旨在推動及提升物流業。 HKLA為持份者提供一個互動平台。協會已被物流業界和香港特區政府廣泛確認為促進物流和供應鏈管理的先驅。本會會員廣泛涵蓋物流界從業人員,包括第三方物流服務商、貿易公司、製造商以及從事倉儲、運輸、貨運代理、採購、物料管理和資訊科技服務的專業人員。
- 行業發展 – 增強逆境中的韌性,鼓勵合作,採納創新技術,鼓勵產業升級轉型,
促進物流及供應鏈的發展。 - 專業發展 – 推動跨行業典範、促進知識及技術交流、支持學界及業界互動互助,
提升物流及供㒣鏈專業水平。 - 會員發展 – 促進會員關係、專業知識共享、持續進修、提升個人競爭力。
- 社會承擔 – 促進綠色物流及碳中和,培育年輕人才履行社會責任。
The Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA) is the first local professional logistics association in Hong Kong. HKLA was established as non-Government organization (NGO) in 1996 by a group of volunteers with professional and higher education background to nurture the knowledge and best practices of the industry. HKLA provides a platform for all interest parties to interact. The Association is widely recognized by the logistics industry and Hong Kong SAR Government as a pioneer in promoting logistics and supply chain management. Its membership covers a range of practices including third party logistics services providers, trading firms, manufacturers, and scholars involved in activities such as warehousing, freight transportation and forwarding, procurement, materials management and IT solution services.
Mission of HKLA:
- Industrial Development – To enhance resilience in adversity, promote collaborations, adopt innovative technologies, encourage industrial upgrading and transformation, and promote the development of logistics and supply chains.
- Professional Development – To foster cross-industry best practices models, promote the exchange of knowledge and technology, support interaction and mutual assistance between academia and industry, and enhance the professional level of logistics and supply chain.
- Membership Development – To promote membership relations, professional knowledge sharing, continuous education, and enhance personal competitiveness.
- Social Commitment – To promote green logistics and carbon neutrality, and nurture young talents to fulfill social responsibilities.
As a member of HKLA, we will try our best to accomplish the mission above by working together with other members to promote the development of logistics and supply chains. We are also looking forward to improving our service quality by learning from the sharing of our fellow members. We promise to fulfill corporate social responsibility by promoting green office and providing opportunities to teenagers.