Plus One Global Consulting Limited 獲頒「友商有良」嘉許計劃嘉許狀
Post : 2021-11-02
Plus One Global Consulting Limited很榮幸獲頒「友商有良」嘉許計劃嘉許狀。「友商有良」嘉許計劃表揚積極協助青年畢業生就業或提供實習機會的企業,並鼓勵僱主為社會上更多不同需要人士提供就業機會,對象範圍包括:傷健人士、再培訓人士、更生人士、少數族裔、退休人士及持有資歷架構認可資歷的人士。計劃的目的是希望協助僱員累積工作經驗,培養正面積極的工作態度,以提升在職場上的競爭力,從而傳達香港企業充分體現關懷弱勢社群,推動社會共融之精神。
Plus One Global Consulting Limited was awarded Partner Employer Award (PEA). PEA is a recognition to the companies which provide job opportunities to new graduates and also people with special needs including people with disabilities, rehabilitated offenders, ethnic minority, retired people with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), etc. The aim of this award scheme is to encourage companies to provide job opportunities to people in need so that they can be more competitive in the job market by gaining relevant experiences and building up positive working attitude. The scheme aims to promote inclusive working environment by supporting people with special needs.
Plus One Global Consulting Limited was awarded Partner Employer Award (PEA). PEA is a recognition to the companies which provide job opportunities to new graduates and also people with special needs including people with disabilities, rehabilitated offenders, ethnic minority, retired people with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), etc. The aim of this award scheme is to encourage companies to provide job opportunities to people in need so that they can be more competitive in the job market by gaining relevant experiences and building up positive working attitude. The scheme aims to promote inclusive working environment by supporting people with special needs.