Plus One Global Consulting Limited參與「活動減廢承諾 」

Post : 2021-11-26

Plus One Global Consulting Limited已參與環保署的「活動減廢承諾 」。承諾日後在舉辦、協辦、贊助或提供服務予活動時,參考環保署的《大型活動減廢指南》(《指南》),以提升活動的環保表現。本公司承諾將在可行範圍內採取以下行動:
  • 預先規劃以採取措施減少活動產生的廢物,例如使用循環再造的物料搭建舞台、重用活動物資、把物料運往妥善回收或捐贈點等。
  • 加大力度推動活動參加者改變行為習慣,以避免或減少使用一次性的即棄產品,例如膠杯、餐具、器皿、飲管等,尤其是樽裝水。我們會鼓勵並協助活動參加者按情況自備飲水樽(如設置「斟水站」)。
  • 透過訂購或預備適量的食物減少廚餘,從而避免不必要的浪費,並因應情況鼓勵參加者在活動後把剩餘食物帶走。
  • 減少使用紙張及推動更廣泛使用電子通訊方法。
Plus One Global Consulting Limited has been participating in the “Green Event Pledge” initiated by Environmental Protection Department (EPD). We commit to making reference to the EPD’s “A Waste Reduction Guidebook for Large Scale Event Organisers” (Guidebook) when organising, co-organising, sponsoring or providing services to events, so as to enhance the environmental performance of the events. We will make our best endeavours to take the following actions as far as practicable:
  • Plan ahead to adopt measures to reduce waste generated from the events, e.g. use recycled materials for stage setup, reuse event resources, channel the materials into proper recycling or donation outlets, etc.
  • Step up efforts to drive behavioral change in event participants to avoid or reduce consumption of one-off disposable items, e.g. plastic cups, cutlery, utensils, straws, and in particular, bottled water, by encouraging and facilitating event participants to bring their own water bottles where applicable (such as setting up water refilling stations).
  • Reduce food waste by ordering or preparing food in an appropriate quantity to prevent unnecessary wastage, and when appropriate, encourage participants to take away excess food after the event.
  • Reduce paper consumption and promote wider use of electronic means of communication.

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